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Congaree Coleslaw


One of our favorite things to do with Congaree Gold is to whip up a quick coleslaw. This side dish goes great with barbecue pork, on a sandwich, or really with anything. It's fast to make, requires only 4 ingredients, and packs a great flavor punch!

I like to make my cole slaw using a bag of slaw cabbage mix, but if you wanted to make it completely homemade you can shred your own green and red cabbage with carrots (I'll include the ratios below). Here's our recipe:

Congaree Coleslaw:

14 oz Coleslaw Mix*

1/4 cup Mayonnaise

1/4 cup Congaree Gold

1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar

To assemble the coleslaw, mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. If coleslaw seems dry, add more Congaree Gold or mayonnaise. Serve immediately or let sit in refrigerator for up to a hour to let the cabbage marinade.

*Instead of coleslaw mix, you may use 8 cups of shredded green cabbage, 1 cup of red cabbage, and 4 julienned carrots.

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